Yesterday was my dear ol' mom's 75th birthday. Happy Birthday mom! Terry sent some pictures taken at her birthday party last weekend. That's when I miss being in Atlanta.
I went to the police department today to get fingerprinted for my concealed weapons permit. I've never been fingerprinted before. The cop obviously knew what he was doing. He said he's done thousands of them before. I'm such a snob.....I'm in the police waiting room waiting to be called back and checking out the people there. I'm pretty ashamed of my feelings. I felt like I was sitting among a bunch of criminals. BUT, come to find out, they all were there to get fingerprinted too. They probably was thinking the same thing about me too. I guess the real criminals were locked up. See, it's bad to prejudge people. Bad Deb!
Dan (Dave's son) is coming to Florida today. He should be arriving later. I'm glad we have some good weather for him and his buddy.
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