Tuesday, August 23, 2005

We had another Chick Lunch at Inlet Harbor in Ponce Inlet with Betty and Karen. I love that place. We sat out on the deck that overlooks the river and marina. It was pretty warm...90 plus but they had ceiling fans. We had oysters and I ate some wings. I'm still sticking to my Atkins diet. BTW, I've lost 12 lbs so far.

Today, I just hung out and did absolutely nothing. I love those days. I take that back. I did get involved with a little neighborhood battle. The condos at the end of our street on A1A had their carports destroyed in the hurricanes last year. They blew apart and flew down our street. It was like flying missiles. Well, they are reconstructing their carports. One of my neighbors has started a campaign to make them stop. He's writing letters to everyone short of George Bush and insinuating that he is the spokesperson for our street. I've only met him once, but he seems like sort of a crack pot. Anyway, I disagree. As long as the Condos have a permit and the new carport is built to code then they have a right to build whatever they want. Who are we to say they can't? This IS America. So, I wrote a letter to the Condo owner, the contractor, our county rep and the Code manager (whom he wrote) and told them that he is not our spokesperson and I felt they had the right to build them. I probably should learn to keep my mouth shut but I can't help it.

Tonight we had our ENA (Emergency Nurses Assoc) meeting at Gene's Steak House. Yummy!!! A lot of the race car drivers eat there. It was awesome food. I stuck to my diet and brought Dave home my cheesecake.


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