Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wow! It's been 6 months since I last posted. How pathetic! I'm such a slacker. I'll try to keep up from now on.

Gosh, it's hard to think of what I've been up to for the last 6 months. I've been working a lot of extra shifts. Last year was my year to pay off debts. This year is the year to sock some money away. I turn 50 in 1 year and 19 days. After that, I'm done! I plan to work normal hours and not kill myself anymore. Time to stop and smell the roses! It's time to travel a little and spend time with family and friends. That's what's really important.

Work in the ER has really sucked. Our hospital is going through growing pains. It's a shame. I love being an ER Nurse but when you are given assignments that are impossible to provide even adequate care, it's very frustrating. Our ED Director just resigned so hopefully there will be some positive changes coming down the pike. We'll see.

I started a second job last month in Pharmaceutal Research. It's with the largest research company in the world. I've only worked 3 shifts but I think I'll like it. Right now I'm working PRN but I've let them know I'd be interested in a full-time position. It's a lot different than ER. It is very precise. Everything is timed down to the minute. If a "subject" is dosed at 0800, his dose is given at 0800, not 0759 or 0801. Then we do blood draws at designated the minute. If they are due a blood draw at 1000, we apply the tourniquet at 0959, prep the skin and watch the atomic clock and the second it turns to 1000, we draw the blood. Same with meals, vital signs, everthing is totally precise. It actually makes me feel better about new drugs coming to market. If any factor in the studies are delayed it can impact results. I just hope I can be anal enough!

The weather here has been really weird. We are in a drought and there is a big wildfire in Flagler County. The skies here are full of smoke. Yesterday, you couldn't even see the ocean from A1A because the smoke was so thick. Our cars have black soot on them. Now, there is an early subtropical storm in the Atlantic. The surf is really kicked up. That's my favorite time to go to the beach. It really makes you feel small in the big scheme of things. I went to the Flagler pier today and took some pictures. There were about 30 surfers there. Channel 13 and WESH6 was there filming. Check out how smokey it is in the pictures.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Deb. Looks good. You're really up on the technical stuff! Good for you for finding work options. I think you're making a good choice. Hope it works out well for you. Keep in touch and see you soon!

8:43 AM  

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