Saturday, May 20, 2006

Whew! It's been a busy week. We started "Train the trainers" this week with the new computer conversion at work. Everything ran smoothly. It's just a matter of working a few bugs out and then hunker down and train for the next four months. We have some really smart Trainers on board (a lot smarter than myself). I subscribe to the idea of being surrounded by smart, capable people. Then you can't help but suceed in a project. We definitely have an "A Team".

Terri and Kevin came over last night for dinner. Dave has a friend who has some connections on an Alaskan crab boat. He brought home a big box of Jumbo King Crab legs. OMG! I felt like I died and went to heaven! They were huge! We had baked potatoes, cole slaw and Terri brought a cherry cheese cake. Of course, Kevin and I had a few Bloody Marys. Does that sound like a totally sinful meal, or what?

I went for a bike ride this morning. Terri and Kev got me motivated. They bought two Townie bikes like mine. I'm so pathetically out of shape. I rode around for 20 minutes and had to come home. Maybe I'll do it again tonight and gradully build up my strength.

The vegetables are doing great. I have to water them every day. In the fall Dave is going to help me with a "square-foot garden". That's the ticket when dealing with a small space. You only have to water and fertilize these concentrated areas. Because it's a small area you can use the best soil. I'm having fun with gardening because still in the discovery phase. I have to experiment with everything. So far, I haven't had any insect or disease problems but I know that will happen eventually. Then it probably won't be so fun!

Well, I actually have a whole weekend ahead of me with a clean slate. There is nothing that I HAVE to do. Sure, there is always little stuff that need to be done but I'm going to have a "goof off weekend". I might just hang at the beach, float in the pool, take a few siestas, work the two Sunday crosswords (I haven't done that in a long time) and take the bike out for a few short spins. I had planned to go to Blockbuster for some movies but that requires driving 10-11 miles and driving in traffic is not in my low stress, veg out weekend plan.


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