Monday, April 17, 2006

Dave's sister's Nina and Deb are coming this evening to spend the week with us. It'll be great to see them. Dave's youngest sister, Denise, was suppose to come Friday night or Saturday. We waited for her all weekend and she never showed it wasn't a very nice Easter weekend. Of course, all sorts of things run through your she hurt? Is she dead? Is she being rude and thoughtless? I don't know....we'll see.

Dave's on vacation this week. It sucks that he only gets one week per year. Since we had to sit at home this weekend he took advantage of "vacation mode". He spent a lot of time lying in the porch swing and using a yard stick to push the swing back and forth. AAAHHH!

Dave was creative yet once again. The house catty-cornered from us have four dogs. Two are Rotweillers, one is a Rottweiller mix and the forth one is some sort of yipper dog. The little yipper dog is the one that stirs up the shit. When Larry is out in the yard, the yipper dog starts barking and soon they're all barking and trying to get at each other through the fence. Well....Dave added another layer of fence panels on our side of the fence, as well as, he placed an old interior door between the two fences (he put it on its side) so the dogs can't see each other. We'll see how that works.

I planted two Confederate Jasmine vines on either side of the west gate yesterday. We want to train it to go up over the gate. They smell really nice. I hope they do well. The tomato plants are starting to form tomatoes. They're tiny right now but it's fun to watch them grow.

I'm off work for another 8 days, then everything changes. I'll be a working fool. The computer project at work is about to take off. The three hospitals are changing their computer systems and I'm the ER Lead for the conversion. So, from May to September I'll be working Monday-Friday and every other weekend 7a-7p. That's a killer schedule but the way I'm looking at it is....I absolutely HATE to work Monday-Friday. It sucks! So, as long as I have a sucky schedule for the next four months, I might as well add some weekend days and totally immerse myself in the drudgery. That way I can sock away some money. My credit card will be paid off the first month. After that, I'll start hacking at the Equity and Mortgage. I'm going to stay on my budget and in September I can poke my head above water and go back to my normal schedule and be ahead financially. Then in October, after the conversion is behind us, I'm going to take a long vacation...and go to Atlanta.


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