Saturday, April 08, 2006

I went to Atlanta this week. It was great weather for driving. Mom and I went shopping on Tuesday. We went to Tanger Outlet Mall in Locust Grove. I found some t-shirts and flip-flops at Eddie Bauer's. That was about it. There are so many outlet malls around, they are really not that great of a deal. After the mall, we went to Belks in McDonough. I think you're better off going to the regular stores and shopping for their sales. I bought a couple of pairs of Capri's that were on sale. The depressing part of going shopping is that nothing fits right and looking in the mirrors. I was so disgusted. When you're fat, nothing fits right. I always start a major diet after a shopping trip. So I started low-carbing it Tuesday. The low carb diet is the only way I can lose weight, but logically, the healthiest diet is portion control. My problem is that I have no will power. So, I'll probably do the low carb for a week or so for a boost then ty to watch my portions. Dave's sisters are coming down next weekend so it will be hard to diet....but I don't have to be a pig.

Last weekend Keith and Eileen had a dinner party for Charlie's birthday and then we played poker afterwards. How fun!!!! There were 11 people. I was the first to be out of the game, so I was the dealer after that. I lost most of my chips on one hand. I has an A,K,Q,J,4 flush, so I was betting high! Then Tracy beat me with a Royal Flush. Man! I thought I had it! Poker is a lot of fun.

Dave and I are doing a Lowe's run today. I want to get a few more plants for the yard. I planted 4 tomatoes along the west fence and they didn't do well (not enough sun) so I'll move them and maybe put some pentas there. I also want to get some geraniums. I want to get more color in the back. We're also trying to think of some sort of barrier between our yard and the one diagonal to us. They have 3 Rottweilers and a yipper dog that bark way too much and aggravates Larry. I'm sure Dave will come up with some brilliant plan.


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