Friday, July 21, 2006

Katherine, Jamie and Julia came down from Atlanta for a visit last weekend. We had a great time. They're awesome!

The rest of the week has been work, work, and more work. I can't wait to get back into my normal nurse work mode. I miss my days off. I worked in the ER two weekends ago and it was really nice. It was a quiet weekend so we had time to goof. I think I appreciate the ER more when I step away. Sometimes being a nurse can suck but the Monday through Friday sitting in front of a computer can suck worse!

Monday, July 10, 2006

My garden is no more. Here is a pic of where one of my tomatoes used to be. Dave said that my plants were ugly and they made the yard ugly. He wanted me to pull them all up. So much for the joy of gardening..................

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Larry's getting older and has a hard time jumping up on the bed. Here's a picture of a box that Dave made for Larry so he can get up on the bed easier. He put carpet on the top so he'll have some traction when he jumps up. Larry loves it. It doesn't match the bedroom but who cares. Larry comes first.

I picked some vegetables from the garden today. It's getting too hot and the plants are not producing as much. But I thought this would make a pretty picture.

Killer Bees in OBTS!

I was working in the yard today and was attacked by a "Killer Bee". This little bastard was attacking me! He stung me four times in both my arms. The problem is that I use to be extremely allergic to bees. I had to go through years of desensitation shots. I stopped them 8 years ago but since I haven't been stung in 15 years I had no way of knowing how I'd react. I did pretty well. I immediately took two Benadryls, a Zantac and applied ice. No anaphylaxsis! My arms hurt but, hey, I'm alive.
We're back from Atlanta. We had a great trip. It's always so relaxing to visit there. Mom and Dad had JoAnn, Terry and crew (minus Rachel who is still in Africa) over for Chicken and Dumplings, Roast Beef, mashed potatoes, etc.. We always eat like pigs when we go there.

I went out with Sue and Vicky Saturday night. I really miss hanging out with them! I sat on a bench at the restaurant and it broke. Only true friends could enjoy that so much! They got lots of milage from that!

I'm in fantasy mode again. I'm thinking that once our debts and car/truck payments are over, we're going to buy a little one bedroom condo in Atlanta. That would be s good investment and would be a good idea if I ever decided to work part time there. However, Florida will always be our primary home. We want to half time it...half in Atlanta and half at the beach. The best of two worlds.